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People tend to visit the capital city of Dublin when they want to spend time exploring the most fascinating places in Ireland. However, Dublin is a large city, which has been divided into different areas. Within Dublin 7 you will find Arbour Hill. Arbour Hill is an inner city area of Dublin, and is often thought of as a quiet, quaint, and beautiful area to visit. Why not enjoy a romantic date in the area with one of the exclusive escorts in Arbour Hill? You are sure to have a fantastic time with them and find some great places to visit.


One of Arbour Hill's most prominent landmarks is the Arbour Hill Cemetery, which serves as the final resting place for the leaders of the 1916 Easter Rising. The cemetery is a poignant site that commemorates the sacrifice of these individuals in the fight for Irish independence. Visitors can pay their respects at the gravesites and admire the Proclamation of the Irish Republic monument, which stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of the Easter Rising.

Adjacent to the cemetery is the Church of the Sacred Heart, a beautiful Gothic Revival-style building that houses an impressive collection of stained glass windows and other religious artefacts. The church offers a quiet retreat for those seeking a moment of reflection amid the bustling city.

For art enthusiasts, Arbour Hill is home to the renowned National Museum of Ireland - Decorative Arts & History, located within the historic Collins Barracks. This museum features an extensive collection of Irish and international decorative arts, including furniture, ceramics, glassware, and textiles. In addition, visitors can explore the fascinating history of the Irish military through a series of exhibits and artefacts.

Recreational opportunities abound in the area, with the expansive Phoenix Park just a short walk from Arbour Hill. This sprawling park, one of the largest enclosed urban parks in Europe, offers numerous walking and cycling trails, as well as the Dublin Zoo and several historical sites, such as the Magazine Fort and Áras an Uachtaráin, the official residence of the President of Ireland.


Father Casey is the resident priest here on Escort Ireland, and he has been listening to the confessions of clients and escorts in Ireland. He has heard all of the juicy and sinful things they have been getting up to, which can make for some fun reading.

Think you can do better? Take a look and see what your favourite escort in Arbour Hill has been getting up to. It might just give you some ideas for your next date with them, so what are you waiting for? Check out the sexy confessions now.